
Driving licence Truck/Bus
What is Medical Certificate Driving License for Certificate? Are you about to start driving a truck or bus or do you need to renew your higher . . .

Driving license - alcohol, drugs & alcolocks
Driving License Clinic - Alcohol, Drugs & Alcohol Locks Have you received an order from the Swedish Transport Agency? Regardless . . .

Driving licence with a diagnosis
ADHD, ADD, Asperger's syndrome and other neuropsychiatric conditions. Bookings can be made by email - . . .

Medical certificate for seafarers - ensure your eligibility at sea To work at sea, a valid . . .

What is The Medical Certificate Taxi for certificate? If you are going to start driving a taxi, the Swedish Transport Agency requires a medical certificate. This is for . . .

Work/study/visa abroad
What kind of certificate is that? If you are not only going to visit another country, a medical certificate/health certificate is often required. Normally . . .

What kind of certificate is that? Deciding on adoption is a big and exciting decision. Both the National Board of Health and Welfare and . . .

What is Medical Certificate Insurance for certificate? If you take out or are moving a life insurance, capital insurance, . . .

Invalidity certificate
For booking, please email us: If you have suffered an injury and have a private . . .

What kind of certificate is that? For staff with duties relevant to road safety such as: metro drivers, . . .

Rigid plastics / Asbestos / Quartz / Dust
Hardened plastics can cause allergies and other hypersensitivity and therefore require regular medical examinations.   . . .

What is The Certificate of Medical Certificate Diving? The large diving training companies PADI, NAUI, SSI, GUE and others all set . . .

What is The Medical Certificate Competition for Certificates? If you are going to compete, many federations and organizers require a medical examination in . . .

What kind of certificate is that? For prospective students in skydiving and regular control of tandem pilots. It's a . . .

Medical certificate to be approved to work offshore in the petroleum industry in Norway. Working offshore places high demands on ... .

Night work
Certificate of night work according to AFS 1997:8 & Swedish Work Environment Authority regulations and general advice on medical checks in . . .

Mast work
What kind of certificate is it? According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration, those who work at heights and poles must undergo . . .

PCR Test Covid-19
Welcome to Medical Certificates Sweden for sampling and health certificate for your trip. Most countries require a . . .

PCR Covid-19 (CHINA)
MEDICAL CERTIFICATE COVID-19 FOR TRAVEL TO CHINA (中文信息如下,赴华核酸检测证明) This booking is for . . .

Antigen Test Covid-19
ANTIGENTEST FOR TRAVEL Welcome to Medical Certificates Sweden for sampling and health certificate for your trip. They. . . . . .

for those who work at Keolis
Welcome to us at Medical Certificates We specialize in Traffic Medicine and in collaboration with Keolis we help everyone . . .

for those of you who work at Scania
Are you going abroad?  Due to the current circumstances with COVID-19, most countries require a current and . .

View services and PCR testing for travel
View services Book an appointment for PCR, Antibody, Antigen and Fit-to-fly certificate Our clinics offer . . .

Foreign studies
What is The Medical Certificate Taxi for certificate? If you are going to start driving a taxi, the Swedish Transport Agency requires a medical certificate. This is for . . .

Are you going to start driving with Uber? Then you are warmly welcome to us at Medical Certificate for your digital medical certificate. . . .


Here we write about current issues, from road safety to medical news.